Friday, May 1, 2009


There has been a complete awakening in my spirit God has been moving me in a new direction. My eyes are open to alot of things and only through God will I find me.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Were not in kansas anymore Toto...

Dorothy lift your little skirt up and kick off your ruby slippers lace up some tims and prepare for the bull..This has come to a head for us. The powers that be are big liars and think that we are complete idiots. I know that I spend time in the matrix (internet)but please believe ma'ma didn't raise no fools. I really believe that they think that we can't see what they are doing. Hey you behind the curtain I can see you! Your not fooling us the ride is almost over. And when the world wakes up were gonna pull your card.

My Addiction to the Matrix

I was talking to a Coworker yesterday who left his cell phone home. He said to me that he felt vulnerable like he was cut off. It just so happened that all of the phones and internet were knocked out in our area due to a water main break downtown in our city. This was a detox day from the matrix for him. It wasn't for me though I had my cell phone with a tether that allowed me to log on to the matrix (INTERNET). Surfing the digital waves gained attention and others wanted to check their emails and facebooks and surf a lil bit. So I went back to my coworker who left his cell phone home and we talked. We talked about not being connected and having some time to actually breathe and look at the trees. Getting back to nature for a moment would do us all some good every once in awhile. That conversation with him spawned this blog. I don't know where this is going to take me but I'm bound to see some change in things.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What's Really Real!?

I'd like to think that the things I like and love are real to me, and they actually are, but as I gaze through life in my rose colored glasses you have to take them off to clean them once and a while.
Out of the matrix you go to see what's really real. Damn it's like being awakened from a really good dream and you try to go back in but you can't. I was told by a great teacher in my life that once you see the light you cannot return to ignorance. There is an awakening happining in the world and I have finally woke up. I can only pray that the rest of America will....Wakeup!


Welcome to the Matrix! Or are you already logged in?