Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Content Of Your Life

When you wake up to a new day what is the first thing you do?

• Do you pray and say thank you?
• Do you automatically start thinking  about the course of events for today?
• Do you think "I'm tired, I'm going back to sleep?"

Well I believe your day should be started with thankfulness and a prayer. Now, is it always true that I wake up and say thank you? No, sometimes I'm guilty of thinking about the course of my day and other times wanting to go back to sleep.

Unfortunately there are things that have to be done in our days to fulfill purpose and obligations. 
Some would lean towards that latter of obligation. Feeling that there job or work has no real fulfilling purpose. 

Your feelings have a lot to do with how you approach life, and amazingly how life approaches you. 

That's right, how life approaches you "opportunities" favor.
If you run from life in "depression" life will do the same and run from you. So we must change our attitude about life "find the good" and run as fast as we can toward it!

Remember "your attitude determines your altitude."  
When we awake to a new and beautiful day. See how I described the day as "new and beautiful ". You shape your thoughts which helps shape your experience. Being focused on your goals and dreams  helps you to stay in the moment and
live on purpose. What you love is gonna love you back.
Remember to dream, think, innovate and create!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Things aren't always what they seem to be. Seeing through the veil.

There are glitches in the matrix.
There are deceptions of the eyes (body) and the mind. We know that the spirit (God) functions in truth. So to be free of all the distractions we must live by faith and not by sight nor by emotions that are not divinely inspired by God.

We live in a distracted world full of noise and electronic chaos.
 We must unplug and spend time with God. Purging these distractions from our lives for a healthy detox.

This can start with a health prayer life.

•Prayer strategy (When and what your praying for)
•Thinking outside the box (believe God can and will change things in your life)
•Create a space for prayer (Your "War Room")

I just saw this great movie with my wife this past weekend and it was powerful.
The movie "War Room" it's a must see if you have a date night or if you just want to spend some time alone. The movie focuses on the power of prayer and How God answers prayer. 

We must awaken to our purpose and see things with a "three dimensional" point of view. 
 I'll have more on three dimensional thinking in another post it will be great! 
Let's not be deceived by these distractions. Let us be aware and on mission. Be aware of who, what, and where you are.
Unplug from the social media and TV from time to time. Take time out for God and prayer.
Acknowledge your divine origin and know that you come from God
As always Dream,Think,Create, innovate!

Photos used for educational purposes only. 

Don't be a victim to your negative thoughts!

We love to say things like "mind over matter" and don't really know what it truly means. 
Some like to change it to "mind over matter, I don't mind cause you don't matter". With such play on words we lose the context as to what the phrase or statement really meant. 

It was meant to help people understand that your mind in actuality has powers and that it can effect matter (material things in this world). Also to not allow the material things to effect you in a negative way.
How we think has a lot to do with how we see (think of) our selves.
With a powerful outlook of yourself you can move mountains with your mind (well maybe not a real mountain but the burden of one). Understanding that having a wealth mindset brings you into a well rounded balance of mind, body and spiritual health. Not having a scarcity mindset of never enough. Not good enough not pretty or handsome enough.

God wants us to know that there is more than enough and that all we have to do is live by faith!
Living from the inside out! Here is a quote: "When unhappy, one doubts everything; when happy, one doubts nothing." Joseph Roux.

The word of God states that "The joy of the lord is your strength" Nehemiah 8:10 B verse also psalms 28:7 context of his presence being connected to our joy and strength.
The word of God states that if we "Seek first the kingdom of God and all his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you" Matt.6:33

Seeking God first is key to a healthy relationship, but this must be done through his son Jesus Christ.
Now I don't mean to get all preachy. This is a true fact and should be acknowledged 

Having a healthy self esteem and relationship with God brings you into a victory mindset. In God you can't lose!
Change your mind, change your world!
"Dream Think, Create, Innovate!" Believe!