• Do you pray and say thank you?
• Do you automatically start thinking about the course of events for today?
• Do you think "I'm tired, I'm going back to sleep?"
Well I believe your day should be started with thankfulness and a prayer. Now, is it always true that I wake up and say thank you? No, sometimes I'm guilty of thinking about the course of my day and other times wanting to go back to sleep.
Unfortunately there are things that have to be done in our days to fulfill purpose and obligations.
Some would lean towards that latter of obligation. Feeling that there job or work has no real fulfilling purpose.
Your feelings have a lot to do with how you approach life, and amazingly how life approaches you.
That's right, how life approaches you "opportunities" favor.
If you run from life in "depression" life will do the same and run from you. So we must change our attitude about life "find the good" and run as fast as we can toward it!
Remember "your attitude determines your altitude."
When we awake to a new and beautiful day. See how I described the day as "new and beautiful ". You shape your thoughts which helps shape your experience. Being focused on your goals and dreams helps you to stay in the moment and