Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Roads to Nowhere

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Our own wills and outcomes lead to nowhere without God.
We may endeavor to be great and putting our foot forward to go and do things in a grand way.

Living life without divine vision is living life without restraints.
Meaning living life based on feelings and not truth. We can easily be deceived by our feelings and thoughts. The word of God states in

Proverbs 28:19 "Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, But happy is he who keeps the law."  
When we live without guidance we become unkept like a wild bush growing  untamed not capable of true beauty. 

It starts out innocent, small behaviors.
This could be considered very innocent and cute.
This small act starts a trend. Pop culture has determined this as a fad.
Appears very innocent right. Wearing your clothes backwards to the extreme of being something you were not created to be. 
You might consider that a bit of an over the top assumption.
The spirit of confusion is deceiving people. Dressing in Drag because you feel like a woman. Denying God's true design for your life.
Some even taking the confusion of your feelings to the next level. Changing genders because you now feel like you were placed in the wrong body. Again the enemy of your soul makes it popular to go against God's design for your life.

Photos courtesy of vanity fair magazine.
Bruce Jenner was deemed a Hero for changing his gender. (Directly going against God's design for his life). 
This attack was made to keep you from your divine destiny your purpose.

Isaiah 5:20 “How terrible it will be for people who call good things bad and bad things good, who think darkness is light and light is darkness, who think sour is sweet and sweet is sour.”
Isaiah 5:20 NCV

Making choices that are based on how you feel and not truth.
Making your will (choices) his (God's) own is necessary. The battlefield is in our minds, the war rages on inside of us. Spiritual ills and hurts require healing to our spirit man, only God can heal our hurts. There is a great need that our souls are lacking.

That is our connection to God (the source), our connection to him through Jesus Christ.

We must acknowledge our connection. Jesus who died for our sins and made us righteous before God.
 “Jesus answered, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. The only way to the Father is through me.”
John 14:6 NCV

There is nothing he can't fix if you let him in
Those broken places, unfulfilled and misunderstood thoughts and feelings.
Jesus can heal it all. You don't have to clean yourself up before you come to him. He cleans you so don't worry about judgment. There is no condemnation in him. You have an appointment with destiny. You can only be ready through Jesus Christ.

All photos used for educational purposes.

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