Friday, November 27, 2015

Open Criticism Is Better Than Secret Love...Are you a Frenemy?

This post is a examination of self and how we move and treat others in our lives.

Let's define this word Frenemy
It is defined as a person with whom one is friendly despite a fundamental dislike or rivalry. (

Seems pretty clear, here is another 
Definition : is an oxymoron and a portmanteau of "friend" and "enemy" that can refer to either an enemy pretending to be a friend or someone who really is a friend but also a rival.[1] The term is used to describe personal, geopolitical, and commercial relationships both among individuals and groups or institutions. The word has appeared in print as early as 1953.[2] (

Let's just face it!
Not everyone means well by you. Nor have you meant well by everyone either. We have all been there. Until we have learned to look at ourselves and make adjustments we may have been or still may be a Frenemy.

Scarcity feelings are felt
To put it in a biblical term "Covetousness"!
Wanting what another person has or desiring status or power over another person.

These feelings lead to behaviors that are not worthy of Gods presence.


Now we may not have done all these things knowingly.
If we've been on this earth long enough we have.
We have done all these things. Even though our intentions may be good (for self) we still may be considered a Frenemy. 

This is an old problem
This is a problem that even Jesus Christ had to endure. Christ had to endure knowing that one of his diciples was going to betray him. Being here on earth and in the flesh I believed Jesus had feelings about this whole thing.

How he dealt with those feelings 
He dealt with knowing and still walking in love with the person that was destined to betray him.
The betrayal is recorded in Matthew 26:14-16
This is when he agreed to turn Jesus in to the Jewish high priest for thirty silver coins. Then Judas looked for and waited for an opportunity to turn Jesus over to them.

I know we are all familiar with the acronym WWJD

Well WDJD? 
What did Jesus do? 
Well Jesus being in obedience to God knew that the plan was for him to die for mankind's sins. 
Even before the betrayal he spoke of this to the diciples in John 6:70-71

“Then Jesus answered, “I chose all twelve of you, but one of you is a devil.” Jesus was talking about Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. Judas was one of the twelve, but later he was going to turn against Jesus.”
John 6:70-71 NCV

Jesus let them know that he knew
 Lowering himself by washing his diciples feet. 
Becoming a servant of all.
He responded in kindness and graciousness towards Judas.
The bible states in John 13:21-27
“After Jesus said this, he was very troubled. He said openly, “I tell you the truth, one of you will turn against me.” The followers all looked at each other, because they did not know whom Jesus was talking about. One of the followers sitting next to Jesus was the follower Jesus loved. Simon Peter motioned to him to ask Jesus whom he was talking about. That follower leaned closer to Jesus and asked, “Lord, who is it?” Jesus answered, “I will dip this bread into the dish. The man I give it to is the man who will turn against me.” So Jesus took a piece of bread, dipped it, and gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon. As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered him. Jesus said to him, “The thing that you will do—do it quickly.””
John 13:21-27 NCV

Jesus chose his diciples.
We should take great care in who we choose as friends. Those who will walk with you share your experiences your love joys and pains. He loved Judas despite his actions toward him.

This is where I'm encouraged!
I'm encouraged because even in our wretchedness he chose us. Choosing to love us and forgive us with an irrevocable love despite our flaws.

Self examination is needed.
We must examine ourselves daily and be willing to die to our old ways everyday. Even as Christ forgave us we must forgive and love those who would persecute us too.

“Where jealousy and selfishness are, there will be confusion and every kind of evil.”
James 3:16 NCV

(All photos used for educational purposes only)

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