Saturday, October 3, 2015

Pardon me, I have some place I have to be. When life is standing still all around!

This seem like a weird title, but it's a true one.
As I was growing into a young man I noticed that there were things that I wanted, and I went after them. I wanted to drive, I went after my driver license and  got it. I wanted friends, I showed myself friendly and gained friends. I wanted a relationship, I showed interest in a young lady and started making investments towards an exclusive relationship. These things were not hard to acquire looking back. While in the moment of living through them it was difficult, so much emotional content that you almost fail to see the process.
Process vs Content
Have you ever heard the cliché that "The devil is in the details". Details being the content these are the cares of life. I love to look at the opposite as God being the process. We tend to go on our emotional roller coasters getting caught up in the feelings and throws of life. Instead of looking at the process. Keeping our minds clear and focused on God.

I'm saying all this to say that,
If you want something you have to go for it, you have to move! Moving forward in life can be confusing and a bit scary because you don't know what your doing or where your going. 

Get a Clue!!! You need to have an idea....
We tend to think in pictures. That's why if I say to you don't think of a blue elephant you'll see a blue elephant in your mind.

We must have a picture of our desired future.
This is true, you must have a vision of what you want your life to look like. All the bells and whistles! Visualizing in detail things that you would like to learn see attain and achieve. 

Don't be hard on yourself because you don't know the how.
The how is not our job! We are to visualize and pray for God's will to be done in our lives. God is the author and finisher of our faith. You heard the cliche "If you believe you can achieve" Well its true along with other such as 
  • Do or do not there is no try. - Yoda
  • Regrets are the past gripping you in the present.
  • If you focus on what you left behind you will never be able to see what lies ahead- Gusteau
  • Your mind is like water, if you allow it to settle the answer becomes clear.
There are many more that could be written and there are levels of truth in them all.

The Chef Gusteau saying stands out for me...
"If you focus on what you left behind you will never be able to see what lies ahead"
although this saying was made famous in a movie about a rodent (Ratatouille) It was most true to my situation. When I started growing in areas of my life I noticed that others around me were not growing, not everyone but ones I truly care about. I started to notice the distance growing further and further apart from them. The picture that I saw for myself was coming into view. I thought I saw them in it but as I got closer they faded away. 

Grief and loss is felt when we lose people.
This is also true when we lose relationships in our lives that we thought were forever. Reaching and failing because the distance is to great. 

Distance in mind states will change your physical position in life.
You will now travel in a new circle of friends people and understanding. It is necessary for your season of growth. These new individuals will teach lessons or be apart of your lifetime.

This reminds me of the parable of the talents. Matthew 25:14-30
God gives you everything that you need to fulfill your purpose in life. It's up you to take the talent he gives and use it, multiply it and grow it for his glory.

We have an obligation to make something out of the life and talents that God gives us. So no excuses of trying, just do it, if your scared do it scared until your not scared anymore. 

“If you worry about what might be, and wonder what might have been, you will ignore what is.” -Unknown

Dream Think Create Innovate!
All photos used for educational purposes only.

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